Web Components in Space Episode 5

This is a cross-post of the fifth episode of my spacelab based Web Components learning video series called "Web Components in Space"!

  • Episode 5: Watch all of Episode 5

    Play this playlist for the intro, the run-down on what we'll learn and do in Episode 5, the show and tell, the interview, and our experiment with SimplyRecipes.com to generate AI images from their accessibility text.

  • Episode 5.1: Episode 5 Run-down

    Ben gives a quick run-down on what we'll learn and build today, the technologies we'll use, who we'll be talking to, and what they built.

    Tools and technology we'll use today:

  • Episode 5.2: Interview with Christian Cantrell

    Ben sits down with Christian Cantrell who describes his day-job as the intersection of creativity and AI. He's the VP of Product for Stability.ai. We chat about how Stable Diffusion could be changing creative output, and delve into his writing process using image generation. We also talk a bit about Stability.ai and it's role in offering APIs to empower all of this.

  • Episode 5.3: Show & Tell

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ben and his space lab come crashing back down to Earth. An effort is made to depict this with AI generated art using Stable Diffusion. Once Ben is in the safety of his home office, he talks about running Stable Diffusion locally on an M1 based Macbook Pro, using Node.js as a server to make the call into Python and Stable Diffusion, and finally replacing an image tag on a web page with a custom made Web Component that loads the AI generated image. All of this is done with a hand rolled Chrome Extension. We'll cover it all!

  • Episode 5.4: Orange Breakfast Rolls

    In this video, we turn to simplyrecipes.com and their recipe for orange breakfast rolls. We use our new Chrome Extension to swap images with those generated by Stable Diffusion using Simply Recipe's own accessibility text.